The Plymouth Herald interviewed Dr Jan Knight on the Lumiblast project.
The ancient city of Pisa is as famous for its architecture and art as it is for its proud history in science and discovery; Galileo Galilei and Leonardo Fibonacci were both born in Pisa and Carlo Rubbia and Enrico Fermi, both winners of the Nobel Prize, studied here. Science and collaboration lie at the heart of Pisa, so what better setting for the September LUMIBLAST Project consortium meeting which saw all the LUMIBLAST Partners and two members of the Science Advisory Board coming together to discuss the latest developments in this most promising project.
Our project coordinators Prof. Kristian Berg and Dr. Theodossis A. Theodossiou contributed to a new research paper on “the diverse roles of glutathione-associated cell resistance against hypericin photodynamic therapy”, which will be featured in the August issue of the Redox Biology Journal.
The science journal Nature published an article by Theodossiou and his colleagues on the influence of microenvironmental autophagy on tumour growth.
Kick-off Meeting2/11/2016 |